Category Archives: My Work

Some of My Work


Two of My favorite Drawings

Queen Elizabeth

A sketch of Queen Elizabeth.

           What inspired me to draw this picture of Queen Elizabeth is the fact that I really liked the amounts of shades I was capable of putting in it to deliver a stronger message to the viewers. This portrait has the capability of touching the people’s emotions by the different type of pencil shades that I have used to draw it. It took me 4 continuous hours to complete it and I tried my best to put a lot of effort on each detail of her face. I believe that is my version of the “ Mona Lisa”.

The Black Night’s Moonlight

This is a painting I drew after looking outside the window one night outside Kuwait.

           I called this painting “ The Black Night’s Moonlight” due amazing way it captures the view of the shining moon in a dark black night. I believe that this painting has a large impact on the people who see it because of the dark and light yellow color combination that makes the moon and it’s reflection on the sea standout more. Moreover, I am sure that lots of people will be able to connect to this painting due to the fact that it will remind them of the breath-taking view of the moon at night. Many people would unfortunately criticize the colors used and say that they are too dark forgetting to realize that this might have something to do with the fact that the artist who drew it did that by purpose in order to deliver a message. One of the most important reasons that I picked a darker background was to allow the beauty of the moon to stand out more as it hangs in the night sky and the kindness in delivering us light to see during the night.

Is Art Limitless?


Art Has No Limit


 Lots of things in life have limits. Even life it self has a limit but art has no limit. Through art people can express themselves freely with no boundaries to stop them from delivering what they feel. Through paint they can deliver hidden messages that only some people will be able to read once they feel connected to the painting. People from all walks of life can use there imagination to escape from the limits that surrounds them and deliver there messages to the world through their art work. Yes, not everyone can draw,however , everyone in the world has some thing to say and can say it through there art. Art does not necessarily mean only paintings and well drawn sketches, but it also may be a sculpture or anything else that has embedded feelings with in it affecting the emotions of those whom view it. 

Different People See Different Things

People see things from different perspectives and different people see different things depending on where they are and the limits placed on them. As you grow up, your point of of view about lots of things will change and so does the way you view art and what a piece of art would represent to you having an impact on you emotionally. You start to view things depending on where you are in life and the different characteristics within you.

Your Limitless Imagination

A painting of what I think a volcanic eruption might look like.

There is no limit to your imagination, which is from my perspective, the basis on your artistic creation. Both you viewers and I will see this image that I’ve paint of the right differently depending on the way our minds are characterized. Look at the image displayed on the right and give me your feedback.